Town Leadership
The Town of Pike Road was incorporated in 1997 by citizens who wanted to have planning and administrative control over their geographic location. These citizens have been actively working to capitalize on this opportunity and build a model town. To ensure that citizens are actively engaged in a participatory form of government, the town elects its leadership. The town has an elected mayor that serves as the chair of the council and as the chief executive. The town has five council members that are elected at large and serve in a legislative capacity. The election occurs every four years and there are no term limits.
Council meetings are held at Pike Road Town Hall, on the second Monday of each month at 6:00 p.m. and on the fourth Wednesday of each month at 7:00 a.m.
Meet our elected officials below!
Gordon Stone, Mayor
Gordon Stone is mayor of the Town of Pike Road. He has served in this role since 2004 when the town had 350 residents and covered only a two mile area. Pike Road now has more than 8,000 citizens and covers a 16 mile-wide area. Mayor Stone has been a champion of municipal planning and vision, educational opportunities helping all citizens succeed, efficient services and innovative quality of life programs.
Mayor Stone also serves as executive director of the Higher Education Partnership. Mayor Stone is known for his energetic leadership of the Partnership, an advocacy organization that works to strengthen the standing of Alabama’s four-year, public universities and communicate the critical role higher education plays in the economic well-being of the state. An agricultural economics graduate of Auburn University with an MBA from Auburn University Montgomery, Mayor Stone is a former walk-on and letterman on the Auburn football team. He also serves as Executive Vice President of the National Young Farmer Educational Association and assists them with educational and meeting planning services. For many years, he served as an active participant in his family's' cattle farm in Wilcox County.

Despite many professional and volunteer duties, Mayor Stone lists his family and faith as the two priorities about which he is most passionate. He and his wife, Ellen, have two daughters and are members of Montgomery’s First Baptist Church, for which the couple organize and host family mission experiences.
To contact Mayor Gordon Stone, please email

Rob Steindorff,
Council Member and Mayor Pro Tempore
Councilman Rob Steindorff was born and raised in Montgomery, and is an Auburn University graduate. He currently serves as president of Southern Handling Systems. Councilman Steindorff and his wife, Marion, have three children and are active members of First Baptist Church of Montgomery. Councilman Steindorff chairs the PRESET Curriculum Committee.
To contact Councilman Steindorff, please email
Angie Bradsher,
Council Member
Angie Bradsher is a lifelong resident of the River Region, relocating to the Town of Pike Road in 2006.
Councilwoman Bradsher is a 1998 graduate of Troy University. She is currently a senior sales representative for Eli Lilly Pharmaceuticals.
Councilwoman Bradsher has served on numerous philanthropic committees, including as a board member of the March of Dimes. She was chairperson of the 2011 March of Dimes Citizen of the Year event, which achieved record-breaking fundraising efforts. She attributes her most memorable philanthropic efforts to the National Wounded Warrior/BASS-ESPN event in Pike Road. Councilwoman Bradsher is the co-founder of the Adopt-A-Class program for Pike Road Schools. She is also a past board member (chairperson) of the Pike Road Volunteer Fire Protection Authority.
Councilwoman Bradsher and her husband, Michael, have two children and are members of the St. James United Methodist Church, where she served a two-year term on the executive leadership team. She has held various volunteer roles with her children's activities and enjoys traveling with her family.
To contact Councilwoman Bradsher, please email

Chris Dunn, Council Member,
Planning Commission Chairman
Councilman Chris Dunn has been the president of Kyser OfficeWorks since November 1988. Kyser OfficeWorks is one of the largest commercial furniture dealerships in the Southeast. He has more than 40 years of experience in the commercial furniture industry. The company has grown under his direction from three employees now a $7 million company. Steelcase, the world’s leading commercial furniture manufacture, has awarded Kyser OfficeWorks, Inc. multiple quality leadership awards.
Outside of the office, Councilman Dunn is very active in the community. Some of his activities include: Town of Pike Road Planning Commission, President of the Montgomery Rotary Club, Board of Directors of the Montgomery Rotary Club, Board of Directors of the Montgomery Rotary Foundation, Board of Directors of the East Montgomery Water and Sewage Authority, Boy Scout leader of Pack and Troup 307, First United Methodist Church Administrative Board, First United Methodist Church Cathedral Choir, Steelcase’s National Dealer Council, Montgomery Habitat for Humanity. He is also an avid hunter and fisherman.
Councilman Dunn was born in San Antonio, Texas, but moved as a young child to his father’s hometown of Brewton, Alabama, where he graduated from Santa Rosa Christian School in Milton, Florida. He graduated from The University of Alabama in 1984. Councilman Dunn is married to Lynne Oliver Dunn, who is a licensed Interior Designer at Kyser OfficeWorks. They have two children, Rachel and Joshua.
To contact Councilman Dunn, please email
Doug Fuhrman,
Council Member
Doug Fuhrman is the owner of Southern Traditions Construction LLC based in Pike Road. Southern Traditions specializes in custom residential construction and focuses a majority of its projects in Pike Road and the Lake Martin area. Doug is a 1994 graduate of Auburn University and since that time has worked in both the commercial and residential construction industry.
Doug is also an active board member for the Greater Montgomery Home Builders Association and has previously served as the GMHBA president in 2019. His previous community involvement includes serving in the Montgomery Lions Club and Montgomery Young Life. He has also volunteered as a basketball coach at Eastwood Christian School, the Montgomery YMCA, and Hoops League. He and his family are active members of Young Meadows Presbyterian Church where Doug has served as a deacon and head of the building and grounds committee.
Doug is from Rainbow City, Alabama. He and his wife, Beth, moved to the River Region in 1998 and moved to Pike Road in 2007. Doug’s wife, Beth, teaches art at Pike Road Elementary School. They have two boys, Jack and Will, who both attend Pike Road School.
To contact Councilman Fuhrman, please email

Chris Myers, Council Member
To contact Councilman Myers, please email

Questions, comments, or other inquiries for the Town Council? Please use the individual emails listed above, or email our Town Clerk at Your correspondence will be directed to the appropriate parties.