In Honor and Remembrance
Sharing Our Veterans' Stories
As part of our Veterans Appreciation endeavors, the Town of Pike Road has created a digital library of stories from and about our veterans. Click the blue button below to access the 2020 submissions. This library will continue to grow as additional submissions are received.
9th Annual Veterans Appreciation Ceremony
Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020
On Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020, the Town of Pike Road presents this special video presentation of our 9th Annual Veterans Appreciation Ceremony. The virtual event features the dedication of new commemorative bricks installed in our Veterans Memorial, the Presentation of the Colors by the Auburn University Montgomery ROTC Honor Guard, and remarks by distinguished guest speaker Col Jerime Reid, Vice Commander, 42d Air Base Wing, Maxwell Air Force Base. Pike Road Schools students will lead the Pledge of Allegiance and sing the National Anthem.
This year, due to our concerns for the health and safety of the Veterans being honored, their guests and families, as well as the organizations and individuals involved in our traditional program, we will postpone our in-person dedication ceremony for new bricks until 2021. The Veterans Memorial and Walk of Honor, located at Veterans Park (4902 Pike Road, Pike Road, AL 36064), will be traditionally decorated in celebration of our nation’s veterans. All are welcome to come out to see the newly installed pavers, capture photos, as well as share memories in honor and remembrance of their loved ones anytime. Practicing social distancing and wearing masks in accordance with current local and federal guidelines is encouraged.