Pictured, Patti Hemme shows off her painting, Preserve at The Waters, created during the 2020 Pike Road Plein Air Paint Out.
Patricia Caranna Hemme (Patti), originally from Gulfport, MS, now living in Montgomery, AL for the past 25 years, has always been “drawn“ to art! Taking two years of art in high school piqued her artistic abilities; but staying busy at her full-time job as Occupancy Manager at Seton Haven, a local Montgomery retirement apartment complex for the elderly and disabled, leaves Patti little time to pursue her main interest in watercolors. Living only a block and a half from the Gulf of Mexico in Gulfport, Patti loves her subjects being anything water-related from birds and boats to sunrises and sunsets. She especially sees beauty in painting God’s plethora of flowers!