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Cultivating Quality of Life: the ENHANCE Initiative

What is ENHANCE: A Vision with Focus?

Exercise • Nutrition • Health • Agriculture • Nature • Community • Education

ENHANCE: A Vision with Focus—the “ENHANCE initiative” for short—is a long-term strategic plan designed to ensure that the Town of Pike Road continues to mature in the four areas identified by residents in 2005 as the keys to the municipality’s success: quality of life, community planning, public education and municipal services. We call these the Four Pillars. Focusing on the quality of life and community planning pillars, the ENHANCE initiative organizes tasks and teams in the seven key areas, shown in the margin of this page. The initiative also forms a bridge to the education plan and the provision of municipal services, building on the foundation of all that has been accomplished since the town was incorporated in 1997.

Why should the ENHANCE initiative matter to me? The word “enhance” means “to increase or improve in value, quality, desirability or attractiveness,” and this is the aim of the ENHANCE initiative—to build upon all that is good and make the most of the great potential that exists in the town and our people. For this reason, the plan has implications for every resident, present or future. Like a blueprint guides the construction of a structure, the ENHANCE initiative is a plan by which the future of the Town of Pike Road will be shaped. Just as blueprints are often tweaked during the building process, ENHANCE may be adjusted as priorities change or new ideas are embraced. ENHANCE is a long-term plan, a tool for improving the lives of the citizens of the Town of Pike Road, and our ENHANCE committees are responsible for many of our community events.

Ladies smiling, holding Dr. Seuss-themed decorations, red and white hats, and Thing 1 and Thing 2
Neighbors connect and get creative during the 2018 Hay, Look at Us! Hay Bale Decorating Competition.

What role can I play in the ENHANCE initiative?

ENHANCE would not be possible without people like YOU! Just as the letters E-N-H-A-N-C-E make up the word, Exercise, Nutrition, Health, Agriculture, Nature, Community and Education are areas of interest identified by our citizens. The ENHANCE initiative offers committees that reflect each of these areas. We want you to choose a committee that best fits you. By joining with others who share similar talents and interests you will not only ENHANCE your quality of life, but also those around you. We look forward to seeing what all we can accomplish by working together. Please continue reading for a list of committees for you to be involved with. If one of these looks like a good fit for you, or if you have interests you want to share that are not included in the committees below, please let us know by emailing!

ENHANCE Quality of Life Programs

Ag & Stewardship Club visitors create container gardens with everyday materials.
Ag & Stewardship Club visitors create container gardens with everyday materials.

Agriculture and Stewardship Club will facilitate a greater awareness of the role of agriculture and natural resources in shaping the past, present and future of the Pike Road area. Proposed projects for the Agriculture and Stewardship Club include a community garden, planting celebrations, educational programs and Arbor Day events.

Women painting, paintbrushes, palette and canvas
Visitors paint strawberry still-lifes at the Pike Road Arts Center during a 2019 workshop.

Arts Council engages citizens of the Town of Pike Road who have unique gifts in the fine arts and encourages the utilization of those gifts to bring a greater overall appreciation of the arts to the community. The council may host showcases featuring local artists as well as community education and outreach programs.

Business Association facilitates a collaborative effort by business leaders in the municipality who seek to promote new business opportunities that complement the town. Potential activities of the Pike Road Business Association include the publication of a Pike Road business directory and quarterly gatherings.

Community Enrichment seeks to provide opportunities to strengthen families, build relationships in the community and foster individual growth that can then be shared to continue to make our town a special place to call home.

Neighborhood Leaders are representatives of each of the town’s more than 40 neighborhoods who serve as liaisons between those neighborhoods and the town, communicating opportunities to their fellow residents and bringing people throughout the town together. In the past, the Neighborhood Leaders have organized the annual “Hey, Look at Us!” hay bale decorating competition as well as the community-wide yard sale. 

P.R.A.Y.E.R. Team stands for Pike Road Area Your Emergency Response Team. This group is made up of leaders from local churches to ensure the physical and spiritual needs of Pike Road residents are met in the case of tragedy.  The team will meet on a quarterly basis and work on projects such as creating a resource directory and hosting Community Emergency Response Team training exercises. Members participate in the annual "Month of Service," which ends with the Pike Road Spring Cleanup.

PRICE Foundation is a fundraising vehicle that exists to assist with the funding of community projects by providing citizens a means of making charitable contributions.

Recreation and Health Service Corps will assist in the development of recreation facilities and the hosting of activities that promote exercise and healthy living in the Town of Pike Road. Proposed projects for the Recreation Service Corp include the Natural Trail grand opening, health and wellness activities and assistance with the future recreation complex. 


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